Every Patient Monitored, Every Patient Matters

Innovating Health,

Enhancing Outreach

Let us get you started on a journey of better Clinical Outcomes and Increased Practice Revenue with Remote Patient Monitoring.

What is iScript.care

A pioneering platform dedicated to transforming patient care through state-of-the-art Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and Chronic Care Management (CCM) solutions.

  • Dedicated to Better Clinical Outcomes

  • Continuous Quality Monitoring

  • Additional Revenue to Your Practice

Our Promise to You

Excellence in Patient Care is not just a goal. It is a promise

Take a positive step

Empower Your Practice: 3-Step Onboarding to Superior Patient Care

Streamline patient care with our 3-Step Onboarding: 1. Qualify patients for RPM, 2. Hassle-free device setup, and 3. 24/7 monitoring with simplified billing. Elevate your practice with iScript.care.

Step 1 - Identifying Qualifying Patients

Initiate care with precision: We analyze your EHR data to pinpoint patients eligible for RPM, ensuring only the most suitable receive this cutting-edge service.

Step 2 - Device Procurement and Setup

Ease into innovation: Our team manages the procurement and seamless setup of advanced monitoring devices, delivering them directly to your patients’ doorsteps.

Step 3 - Vigilant Monitoring and Billing

Continuous care, streamlined billing: Our vigilant monitoring captures critical data, while our integrated billing system ensures services are accurately compensated.

Innovating Health

A partnership for better clinical outcomes

Discover unparalleled clinical outcomes with iScript.care's RPM solutions. Our proactive approach transforms patient data into actionable insights, fostering timely interventions and personalized care plans. This not only elevates patient health and satisfaction but also reduces complications and readmissions.

Embrace a model that prioritizes patient wellness and positions your practice as a beacon of modern, effective healthcare.

More Earnings, Less Hassle

Increased practice revenue without expenses

Unlock the potential for substantial revenue growth with iScript.care's RPM and CCM services. By integrating our system, your practice can tap into new income streams without additional overhead.

Benefit from Medicare reimbursements for RPM services while providing continuous care. Our platform simplifies billing processes and increases financial returns, making it a win-win for patient care and your practice's bottom line.

Simplified Pricing

Transparent & Affordable: Get Predictable Pricing for Premium Care

$34/patient/month (Success Based)

  • NO Setup Fee: We don't charge any setup fee - Once you signup, we shall give you access to our system.

  • Success-Based Payments: Pay us only when you get reimbursed for a patient, aligning our success with yours.

  • Flexible Terms: Enjoy the freedom of a month-to-month service with no long-term commitments.

  • Complimentary Device: Your patients receive a FREE monitoring device*, enhancing their care journey.

  • Hassle-Free Billing: We handle all the billing and claiming processes, easing your administrative load.

  • Seamless Integration: Continue using your existing system for billing with no additional learning curve.

  • Transparent Invoicing: Receive a clear end-of-month invoice and conveniently manage payments through recurring card billing.

*Free device contingent upon patient qualification and adherence to program terms.

Let's Get You Started...

© 2023 iScript.care - Div of Cantobiz, Inc - All Rights Reserved

Contact Us

Call us at: 833-414-0661

Email us at: [email protected]